Trigger fehler im mod map

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    ich meine diesen fehler

    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Tor1)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Tor1)
    Warning: Deleting object 'Interact' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'SilageBale' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'HayBale' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'StrawBale' before all triggers are removed.

    soweit ich weis sind dieses Fehler vom Spiel selbst(wohl durch das letzte Patch):

    Warning: Deleting object 'Interact' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'SilageBale' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'HayBale' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'StrawBale' before all triggers are removed.

    dieser Fehler stammt wohl daraus das die Tore scaliert wurden:

    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Tor1)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Tor2)

    Mischstation falsch verbaut:

    Error: Running LUA method 'modOnCreate.MischStationOnCreate'.

    Fehler der Map,Bilder sind nicht in der richtigen Größe:

    Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/arii-/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Pagarush/sampleModMap_briefing1.png width or height doesn't equal 2^n.
    Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/arii-/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Pagarush/sampleModMap_briefing2.png width or height doesn't equal 2^n.
    Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/arii-/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Pagarush/sampleModMap_briefing3.png width or height doesn't equal 2^n.

    Kann ich nur raten:fehlen wohl Einträge in der moddesc der Map:

    AnimationMapTrigger - Warning: GlobalTexts.text (OPEN_DOOR) is set by the AnimtionMapTrigger mod, remove it from GlobalTexts,text within your map (Pagarush)
    AnimationMapTrigger - Warning: GlobalTexts.text (CLOSE_DOOR) is set by the AnimtionMapTrigger mod, remove it from GlobalTexts,text within your map (Pagarush)
    AnimationMapTrigger - Warning: GlobalTexts.text (OPEN_GATE) is set by the AnimtionMapTrigger mod, remove it from GlobalTexts,text within your map (Pagarush)
    AnimationMapTrigger - Warning: GlobalTexts.text (CLOSE_GATE) is set by the AnimtionMapTrigger mod, remove it from GlobalTexts,text within your map (Pagarush)

    Gruß Birgitt
    hi Janluca erst mal danke dir

    das mit dem tore 1 un 2 binn an der bearbeitung die anderen fehler mit bilder und animationmaptrigger die kann ich also auch selber beheben aber

    Warning: Deleting object 'Interact' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'SilageBale' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'HayBale' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'StrawBale' before all triggers are removed.

    mit diesen fehler kann man nix machen oder ?