FS-VirtualFarms - Advertise your Farming Simulator Virtual Farm

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      FS-VirtualFarms - Advertise your Farming Simulator Virtual Farm


      I created a new website where you can create an advertisement for your farming simulator multiplayer game or you can simply look for a game.

      Most important pages of the website:

      • Look for a game: In this page, users can view other users multiplayer game.
      • Create new Game: In this page users can advertise their games (game name, server, language ...). And then they will be placed in "Look for a game" page for people looking for games can see it.
      • Game Dashboard: Just the creator of the game advert can edit it, as many times as he like.

      This is the site: fs-virtualfarms.com/

      This site is in beta [v1.0], and more things will be added.

      Please visit the website, if it's possible register and tell me what do you think ;)

      Thanks, Serpla97