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    I am placing horses into my map into a paddock and stables. I am using the schweinmast building, scripts and triggers and moving them from the building to the paddock etc. I have got the horse into the purchase screen and can purchase them.

    Questions I have:

    1) When I purchase the horse they become calves and are placed into the building (current building is for calves so it will be a scripting issue). What do i need to change to have them look like a horse instead of the calves?

    2) What do I need to move so I can place the purchased horses into the paddock and not the barns of the schweinmast building? I cant find any nav meshes in the building so unsure on how it is done. Other maps that have horses installed has the horse in the middle of the map on the scenegraph and somehow when they are bought they end up in a certain paddock.

    Thanks in advance.


    Would have to leave the calves look like adult horses , the animals are replaced in the stable . So add new animals .


    In order for the horse to appear andersowo after purchase , then they must be placed differently during installation . If the barn is built , then the Scene Count the animals move single means of arrows to where they are to appear later after the purchase . Is a bit difficult because you can not see the animals . Eighth please plan the wiord complied with the installation instructions of the hutch . Otherwise it may lead to errors Sorry for my lousy english, got USER a translator . Greeting Birgitt