Mod will sich nicht von der Stelle Bewegen!?

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    Mod will sich nicht von der Stelle Bewegen!?

    Ich bin derzeit mit einem kleinen mod beschäftigt(flugzeug) es gibt nur ein Problem. Der mod will sich nicht von der stelle bewegen!!Lenkung usw. Fuktioniert!! :rolleyes:
    Was ist das für ein fehler??

    Das ist die xml
    Spoiler anzeigen
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <vehicle type="car">
    <annotation>Copyright (C) Gaints</annotation>

    <wheels autoRotateBackSpeed="2.5">
    <wheel rotSpeed="0" driveMode="1" repr="0>0" radius="0.250" deltaY="0.1" suspTravel="0.2" spring="180" damper="10" mass="0.5"/>
    <wheel rotSpeed="0" driveMode="1" repr="0>1" radius="0.250" deltaY="0.1" suspTravel="0.2" spring="180" damper="10" mass="0.5"/>
    <wheel rotSpeed="-30" rotMax="34" rotMin="-34" driveMode="1" repr="0>2" radius="0.250" deltaY="0.1" suspTravel="0.2" spring="180" damper="10" mass="0.5"/>
    <motor minRpm="300" maxRpm="800 2700 9500" brakeForce="10" forwardGearRatio="2.5" backwardGearRatio="2.1" differentialRatio="8" rpmFadeOutRange="20">
    <torque rpm="300" torque="1"/>
    <torque rpm="9000" torque="3"/>
    <motorStartSound file="sound/airplaneStart.wav" pitchOffset="1" volume="1.5" />
    <motorSound file="sound/airplaneRunning.wav" pitchOffset="0.9" pitchScale="0.001" pitchMax="1.2" volume="0.7" />
    <motorStopSound file="sound/airplaneStop.wav" pitchOffset="1" volume="1" />

    <cameras count="2">
    <camera1 index="0>9|0" rotatable="true" rotateNode="0>9" limit="true" rotMinX="-1.4" rotMaxX="0" transMin="4" transMax="20" />
    <camera2 index="0>10" rotatable="true" limit="false" rotMinX="0" rotMaxX="0" transMin="0" transMax="0" />
    <tipCamera index="0>9|0" />
    <exitPoint index="0>13" />
    <enterReferenceNode index="0>" />
    <characterNode index="0>12" cameraMinDistance="1.5" />

    <licht index="0>4|3|0" typ="perma"/>
    <licht index="0>5|3|0" typ="perma"/>
    <licht index="0>6|1|0" typ="strobe" sequenz="0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1"/>
    <licht index="0>14|0" typ="strobe" sequenz="0.6 0.1"/>
    <licht index="0>15|0" typ="strobe" sequenz="0.6 0.1"/>

    <hoehenruder index="0>3" analog="AXIS_Y" digital1="KEY_down" digital2="KEY_up" invert="false" power="600" acc="0.05" dec="0.1"/>
    <seitenruder index="0>6" analog="AXIS_W" digital1="KEY_left" digital2="KEY_right" invert="false" power="750" acc="0.05" dec="0.1"/>
    <querruder index1="0>4|0" index2="0>5|0" analog="AXIS_X" digital1="KEY_left" digital2="KEY_right" invert="true" power="2500" acc="0.1" dec="0.1"/>
    <motor index="0>7" analog="AXIS_Z" digital1="KEY_m" digital2="KEY_n" invert="true" power="50" acc="0.05" dec="0.1"/>
    <transportstange index="0>16" />
    <attacherJoint index="0>16|0" jointType="trailer"/>

    <animPart index="0>19" id="SkiRight" showHelp="true" rotMin="0 0 135" rotMax="0 0 0" moveTime="4" />
    <animPart index="0>20" id="SkiLeft" showHelp="false" rotMin="0 0 -135" rotMax="0 0 0" moveTime="4" />
    <animPart index="0>21" id="SkiBack" showHelp="false" scaleMin="0.01 0.01 0.01" scaleMax="1 1 1" moveTime="0.1" />
    <animPart index="0>18" id="Peller" showHelp="true" permRotAxis="3" moveTime="0.133" listenTo="isMotorStarted" />

    <movingTool index="0>4" > </movingTool> <!-- WingLeft -->
    <movingTool index="0>5" > </movingTool> <!-- WingRight -->

    <foldingParts startMoveDirection="1">
    <foldingPart componentJointIndex="0" anchorActor="0" animationName="rightFold" speedScale="0.95" />
    <foldingPart componentJointIndex="1" anchorActor="0" animationName="leftFold" speedScale="0.9" />

    <animation name="rightFold">
    <part node="0>4" startTime="0" endTime="10.0" startRot="0 0 0 " endRot="0 90 0"/>
    <animation name="leftFold">
    <part node="0>5" startTime="0" endTime="10.0" startRot="0 0 0" endRot="0 -90 0"/>

    <components count="3">
    <component1 centerOfMass="0 -0.06 0" solverIterationCount="10" />
    <component2 centerOfMass="0 0 0" solverIterationCount="10" />
    <component3 centerOfMass="0 0 0" solverIterationCount="10" />
    <joint component1="0" component2="1" index="0>4|2" rotLimit="0 0 0" transLimit="0 0 0" /> <!-- WingLeft -->
    <joint component1="0" component2="2" index="0>5|2" rotLimit="0 0 0" transLimit="0 0 0" /> <!-- WingRight -->
    <collisionPair component1="0" component2="1" enabled="false"/>
    <collisionPair component1="0" component2="2" enabled="false"/>
    <collisionPair component1="1" component2="2" enabled="false"/>
    <size width="15" length="7.5" lengthOffset="0"/>




    Ich habe schon mehrere Vehicle types ausprobiert!!

    Spoiler anzeigen
    Farming Simulator 15
    Version: 1.2 RC6
    Available Languages: de
    Language: de
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Mod directory: C:/Users/xxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
    Load mod: Flugzeug
    data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (4.40 ms)
    data/sky/rain.i3d (0.94 ms)
    data/sky/hail.i3d (0.72 ms)
    data/sky/dust.i3d (0.55 ms)
    data/maps/map01.i3d (8382.55 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/sampoRosenlew/sampoRosenlewC6.i3d (46.90 ms)
    dataS2/character/player/player.i3d (403.81 ms)
    data/vehicles/cutters/sampoRosenlew/sampoRosenlewC6.i3d (14.12 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/huerlimann/huerlimannH488.i3d (36.34 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/brantner/brantnerE8041.i3d (8.00 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzAgroStar661.i3d (32.20 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/koeckerling/koeckerlingTrio300M.i3d (15.97 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/koeckerling/koeckerlingTrio300M.i3d (3.84 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB1000.i3d (3.13 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (19.12 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (0.96 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB700.i3d (0.74 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnVariMaster153.i3d (15.77 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/kuhn/kuhnVariMaster153.i3d (1.08 ms)
    dataS/character/player/playerCCT.i3d (9.97 ms)
    Error: Can't load resource ''.
    Error: Can't load resource ''.
    Error: Can't load resource ''.
    C:/Users/Benni/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Flugzeug/Storch.i3d (299.80 ms)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning: No clipdistance set to node 0> (Storch.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
    Warning: No clipdistance set to node 1> (Storch.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
    Warning: No clipdistance set to node 2> (Storch.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosR)
    Warning (physics): Setting pair collision on actors which already have a constraint
    Warning (physics): Setting pair collision on actors which already have a constraint
    Warning: vehicle.trailerAttacherJoints.trailerAttacherJoint are no longer supported. Use vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint with jointType='trailer/trailerLow' instead

    Warning: New unit for fuel usage is l/h at max. rpm
    Error: Can't load resource ''.
    Error: Can't load resource ''.
    Error: Can't load resource ''.
    Error: Can't load resource '


    PS: das ist mein mod aus dem ls13 konvertiert. Ich will nicht nochmal von vorne anfangen :/

    Woran könnte es liegen. ?(

    Danke im Voraus!!!!! :thumbsup:


    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 () aus folgendem Grund: Log und XML in spoiler gepackt. Ist so übersichtlicher.

    ich kenne mich mit Flugzeugen im LS nicht so aus, aber denke das es an den Fehlern in der Log liegt.
    1. Warning (physics): Static actor moved (PosL)
    Da hast du wohl ein Häckchen bei Ridge Body rausnehmen und abspeicher. Das wars es. Musst halt nur das teil finden. Das machst du am besten so:
    .i3d Öffnen mit Notepad++, nach name="PosL" suchen und zwar in den Shapes, hast du eins gefunden, schaust du dir die darüber liegenden Zeilen an, daran kannst du erkennen in welcher TG im Mod sich das Mesh befindet, es muss also eine TG (o.Ä.) mit den Namen "PosL" sein das ein RB Häkchen drinnen hat, Mod öffnen - TG suchen RB raus - speichern - Testen ob der Fehler weg ist.

    2. Warning (physics): Setting pair collision on actors which already have a constraint
    <collisionPair component1="0" component2="1" enabled="false"/>
    <collisionPair component1="0" component2="2" enabled="false"/>
    <collisionPair component1="1" component2="2" enabled="false"/>
    das mal auskommentieren. Mal schauen ob das den Fehler behebt. :S ?(

    3.Warning: New unit for fuel usage is l/h at max. rpm
    Hier wird eine neue Einheit für den Verbrauch benutzt. Ist aber nicht weiter tragisch, kannst du aber auch schnell beheben. :D

    4. Warning: vehicle.trailerAttacherJoints.trailerAttacherJoint are no longer supported. Use vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint with jointType='trailer/trailerLow' instead
    hier werden neue Bezeichnungen für die trailerattacher benutzt. Einfach aus einem LS15 mod was nehmen und anpassen. So habe ich es immer gemacht. :D
    Rowing - nothing else!
    Zu meinem Profil um mir eine pm zu schreiben:
    MfG Joni 1510 :thumbup: