Spiel ladet nicht
etwas dürftig deine Angaben..
welches Patch hast du?
was für LS Version?
welche Map?
wo ist zu unserer Info die Log Datei?(schau mal etwas weiter unter dem mods Ordner-da findest du diese)
zeig uns was die Log schreibt und wir können evtl Helfen...
diese Info sollte schon vorhanden sein.
Birgitt -
Ich habe den patch 1.2. Ich spiele LS 15.
Habe die Probleme bei der Frankenland, Sudhemmer, Loshugelland und vor kurzen auch bei der Mig Map Celle. Habe aber für jede map ein eignen Mod Ordner.
Dieses Problem habe ich aber nicht bei den anderen maps die ich auch spiele. Nur bei diesen vier. Die haben alle die selben mods im Ordner die ich benutze im spiel. Und der Log ist sauber. -
Warum machst du nicht einfachmal, was dir geschrieben wird?
Ob die Log-Datei "sauber" ist, beurteilen Erfahrene mit anderen Kriterien. Aus der Log kann man mehr 'herauslesen' als nur die Fehlermeldungen.
Ich schätze mal, dass es bei dir an fehlerhaften oder unverträglichen Mods liegt. Das werden dir dann andere sagen, die Erfahrung mit LS15 haben. (ich hab nur den LS13) -
Log Teil 1:
Spoiler anzeigen GIANTS Engine Runtime 6.0.2 64bit (Build Date: Dec 8 2014)
Copyright (c) 2008-2014, GIANTS Software GmbH (giants-software.com), All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2015
Main System
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Memory: 12249 MB
OS: Windows NT 6.1 64-bit
Physics System
Version: 5.9.4
Thread(s): 2
Input System
Keyboard enabled
Mouse enabled
Gamepad/Joystick disabled
Force Feedback disabled
Sound System
Driver: OpenAL
Version: 1.1
Device: Generic Software
Max. sources: 256
Render System
Driver: OpenGL
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce GT 640/PCIe/SSE2
Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 347.88
Shader Version: 4.50 NVIDIA
max_texture_layers: 16
OpenGL initialization successful
Hardware Profile
Level: High (forced)
View Distance Factor: 1.100000
Shadow Quality: 1.000000
Skip Mipmaps: 0
LOD Distance Factor: 1.100000
Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.500000
Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.850000
Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 2.000000
Farming Simulator 15
Version: 1.2 RC6
Available Languages: de
Language: de
Game vehicle types loaded
Mod directory: C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
Load mod: aaa_ROS_Krone_Emsland
Load mod: aaa_ROS_LKW
Load mod: aaa_ROS_Palette_Box
Load mod: AAA_UniversalProcessKit
Load mod: aab_UPK_ROS_Gemuese
Load mod: aab_UPK_ROS_Gemuese_2
Load mod: aab_UPK_ROS_Lager
Load mod: aab_UPK_ROS_Obst_und_Beeren
Load mod: aab_UPK_ROS_Obst_und_Beeren_2
Load mod: aab_UPK_ROS_Saatgut_Dunger
Load mod: aab_UPK_ROS_Supermarkt
Load mod: aab_UPK_ROS_Verarbeitung_und_Verkauf
Load mod: Abstellplatz_V1_0
Load mod: Acros_530
Load mod: addFillTypes
Load mod: AGO_Easymass_FS15
Load mod: AGO_RANDAZZO_R270TP_V1_FS15
Error: Invalid mod name 'Agroliner_302_TKD (2)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: Agroliner_302_TKD
Load mod: Agroliner_402_HKD
Load mod: AgroValle_2015_V1
Warning: Missing l10n for button OPEN_GATE in AgroValle_2015_V1
Load mod: AhwiFM700H
Load mod: Alali_Pack_v1_4
Load mod: AllRoundPack
Load mod: Alumulde
Load mod: AmazoneCondor_LS15_sdirt
Load mod: AmazoneEDX6000TCv12
Load mod: AmazoneUX5200
Load mod: amazoneZGB8200
Load mod: amazoneZGB8200_V2
Load mod: Amazone_ADP_super_ls15
Load mod: Amazone_UX11200
Load mod: Amazone_UX_5200_SuperS_24
Load mod: Amazone_X_16001
Load mod: AnimalWaterHUD
Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger
Load mod: Apfelmod
Load mod: Arcusin_Autostack_FS63_72
Load mod: Arcusin_ForStack_8_12_v1_5
Warning: Missing l10n for button Zarpas in Arcusin_ForStack_8_12_v1_5
Load mod: autovlek
Load mod: a_02_GAZ_SAZ_35071
Load mod: Baler_add_grass
Load mod: Balestorage
Load mod: Baletransport_Dynamic
Load mod: BauernhausV1_0
Error: Invalid mod name 'Bauer_Pack_V1.1_Entpacken'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: BaustellenabsicherungsSetV2_byNick981
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//BaustellenabsicherungsSetV2_byNick981/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod BaustellenabsicherungsSetV2_byNick981
Load mod: BednarProSeed2
Load mod: beer_hm
Load mod: Bennette_Agram_FraBel_Ls_Modding_FS15
Load mod: BergmannCarex38S
Load mod: Bergmann_Sattel
Load mod: Bitte_Entpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Bitte_Entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Bitte_Entpacken
Load mod: Bitte_Entpacken_T087
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Bitte_Entpacken_T087/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Bitte_Entpacken_T087
Load mod: BourgaultIAD_V1
Load mod: BrantnerDPW18000
Load mod: BrantnerMistEdition_V1
Load mod: BrantnerTA10041
Error: Invalid mod name 'Brantner_Seeds_Trailer_ULW (2)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: Brantner_Seeds_Trailer_ULW
Load mod: Brantner_Z_1805_XXL
Load mod: bressel_lade_ballenzange_v1
Warning: Missing l10n for button kralle vorne in bressel_lade_ballenzange_v1
Warning: Missing l10n for button kralle hinten in bressel_lade_ballenzange_v1
Load mod: Briri_Silotrans_38_HP
Warning: Missing l10n for button CHAFFCOVER_close in Briri_Silotrans_38_HP
Warning: Missing l10n for button CHAFFCOVER_open in Briri_Silotrans_38_HP
Load mod: BuyManyAnimals
Load mod: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore
Load mod: cannery
Load mod: CaseCVX175
Load mod: CaseIH370_PACK
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//CaseIH370_PACK/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod CaseIH370_PACK
Load mod: caseIHPuma160
Load mod: CaseIHPuma200
Load mod: CaseIHPuma225
Load mod: CaseIHPuma230
Load mod: CaseIH_AxialFlow_5130_FS15
Load mod: caseIH_combine_cutterpack
Load mod: CaseIH_QuadTrac_370
Load mod: CaseIH_QuadTrac_370RC
Load mod: CaseIH_QuadTrac_620
Load mod: CaseIH_QuadTrac_920
Load mod: CaseIH_QuadTrac_Pack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//CaseIH_QuadTrac_Pack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod CaseIH_QuadTrac_Pack
Load mod: CaseIH_Steiger_620
Load mod: CaseIH_Steiger_920
Load mod: CaseIH_Steiger_Pack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//CaseIH_Steiger_Pack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod CaseIH_Steiger_Pack
Load mod: CaseJXU85_115
Load mod: Case_IH_Quadtrac_620_Potente_Especial
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Case_IH_Quadtrac_620_Potente_Especial/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Case_IH_Quadtrac_620_Potente_EspecialDieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 ()
Log Teil 2:
Spoiler anzeigen Load mod: CASE_Trailer_AttacherV2
Load mod: Case_Weight
Load mod: ClaasDirectDisc520
Load mod: ClaasDirectDisc520Trailer
Load mod: ClaasJaguar980
Load mod: ClaasJaguar980Standard
Load mod: ClaasJaguar980_V2
Load mod: ClaasJaguarPackLS2015byAgrotron165_entpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ClaasJaguarPackLS2015byAgrotron165_entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod ClaasJaguarPackLS2015byAgrotron165_entpacken
Load mod: ClaasLexion770TT
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod ClaasLexion770TT
Load mod: ClaasQuadrant1200
Load mod: ClaasVario1200
Load mod: Claas_DirectDisc_620
Load mod: Claas_Gewichte_Pack_ENTPACKEN
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Claas_Gewichte_Pack_ENTPACKEN/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Claas_Gewichte_Pack_ENTPACKEN
Load mod: Claas_Lexion780_Pack
Load mod: Claas_Lexion_770_Pack
Load mod: Class_EasyFlow300
Load mod: Class_XDisc6200_V2
Load mod: Compass
Load mod: CompostMaster_Transportmulde
Load mod: cultivator_pack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//cultivator_pack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod cultivator_pack
Load mod: Damcon_PL75
Load mod: Deposito_olivas
Load mod: deutzAgroStar631and661V1_0
Load mod: deutzAgrotron6190TTV_for_LS15_V2
Load mod: DeutzFahr120MK3
Warning: Missing l10n for button FH in DeutzFahr120MK3
Warning: Missing l10n for button ArbeitslichtHinten in DeutzFahr120MK3
Warning: Missing l10n for button ArbeitslichtVorne in DeutzFahr120MK3
Load mod: Einboeck_Twister600
Error: Invalid mod name 'ENTPACKEN-GregoireBessonxxl_TSL_LS15_withoutWSB_Rot-PACK'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: ENTPACKEN_TSL_LowLoader_Trailer_PACK
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ENTPACKEN_TSL_LowLoader_Trailer_PACK/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod ENTPACKEN_TSL_LowLoader_Trailer_PACK
Error: Invalid mod name 'ENTPACKEN___...TSL_8m_Seeder_withoutWSB_PACK_'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: ENTPACKEN_____JOHN_DEERE_9630T_LS15_TSL_withoutWSB_PACK
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ENTPACKEN_____JOHN_DEERE_9630T_LS15_TSL_withoutWSB_PACK/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod ENTPACKEN_____JOHN_DEERE_9630T_LS15_TSL_withoutWSB_PACK
Load mod: FarmtechMegafex1800
Load mod: FarmtechMegafex2200
Load mod: FE302fs2015
Load mod: FE514
Load mod: Feldgrenzenerkennung
Load mod: Fendt824FavoritFullFS15
Load mod: FendtFarmer300LSA
Warning: Missing l10n for button lookToLeft in FendtFarmer300LSA
Warning: Missing l10n for button resetCamRot in FendtFarmer300LSA
Warning: Missing l10n for button lookToRight in FendtFarmer300LSA
Load mod: FendtFarmer310LSA
Load mod: FendtFavorit926Vario
Load mod: fendt_515c_frontlader
Load mod: fendt_515c___515cfrontloader_unpack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//fendt_515c___515cfrontloader_unpack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod fendt_515c___515cfrontloader_unpack
Load mod: Fendt_611LSA_turbomatik
Load mod: Fendt_Favorit_515c_Turbo
Load mod: FliegelVFW25000Anhaenger
Load mod: FlieglDK18088
Error: Invalid mod name 'FlieglTMK266BullLandwirts-Sohn'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: flieglTMK266BullLawiso
Load mod: Fliegl_ASW_381
Load mod: fliegl_lowbody
Load mod: FoerderBand
Load mod: Fortschritt_E516B_1_LS15_withoutWSB
Load mod: Fortschritt_E524_blau
Load mod: Fortschritt_E524_green
Load mod: Fortschritt_E673
Load mod: Fortschritt_HTS3104
Load mod: Fortschritt_HW80_LS15
Load mod: Fortschritt_HW80_Universal
Load mod: Fortschritt_HW80_Universal_clean
Load mod: Fortschritt_T087_Ballonreifen_clean
Load mod: Fortschritt_T087_Ballonreifen_dirt
Load mod: Fortschritt_T087_clean
Load mod: Fortschritt_T087_dirt
Load mod: Fortschritt_T087_Normalreifen_clean
Load mod: Fortschritt_T087_Normalreifen_dirt
Load mod: FrankenlandMap_LS15
Load mod: FrontLoaderShovel
Load mod: Frontloader_Straw_Grass_Tools
Load mod: Fruitcannery
Load mod: FruitHudText
Load mod: FS15JohnDeere7810V3FullFH
Load mod: FS15World_MANTGSMobilhackerv1
Load mod: FS15_Agrisem
Load mod: FS15_BaleCounter
Load mod: FS15_Bizon_TC590_Prototyp
Load mod: FS15_CaseIHLB434R
Load mod: FS15_CaseIHMagnum260
Load mod: FS15_CaseIHPuma160_FL
Load mod: FS15_CaseIHRB455
Load mod: FS15_claasLexion550
Load mod: FS15_DDR_HW80SHA_Pack
Load mod: FS15_deutz5110TTV
Load mod: FS15_deutz5130TTV
Load mod: FS15_DeutzFahr5150TTV
Load mod: FS15_deutzTTV5Series
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_deutzTTV5Series/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod FS15_deutzTTV5Series
Load mod: FS15_DS_for_Absetzrahmen
Load mod: FS15_Fendt_Favorit512FL
Load mod: FS15_Fendt_Favorit_515
Load mod: FS15_flieglTMK266MK
Load mod: FS15_flieglVFW10600
Load mod: FS15_Fortschritt_HTS_100
Load mod: FS15_huerlimannH488
Load mod: FS15_KroneSwadro1400Plus
Load mod: FS15_kuhnMowerPack
Load mod: FS15_kuhnSitera3000
Load mod: FS15_kuhnVB2190
Load mod: FS15_Kuhn_Primor_3570_feeder
Load mod: FS15_Liebherr_900C
Load mod: FS15_marshallPack
Warning: Only zip mods are supported in multiplayer. You need to zip the mod FS15_marshallPack to use it in multiplayer.
Load mod: FS15_newHollandCR_Pack
Load mod: FS15_PoettingerJumboCombiline6610
Load mod: FS15_TelehandlerLogFork_1_1
Load mod: FS15_ThreshingCounter_v3_1
Load mod: FS15_Ursus1014
Load mod: FS15_vaederstadPack
Load mod: FS15_Vector410_byMadDog
Load mod: FS15_Veenhuis_25000
Load mod: FS15_WeightWorklight_MW_mailman
Load mod: FSMT_Liebherr
Load mod: GKB_817
Warning: Missing l10n for button toggleNadstawy in GKB_817
Warning: Missing l10n for button BORT_LEV in GKB_817
Warning: Missing l10n for button BORT_PRAV in GKB_817
Warning: Missing l10n for button BORT_ZAD in GKB_817
Load mod: grimme3pack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//grimme3pack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod grimme3pack
Load mod: grimmeGL660_meshfix11
Load mod: grimmeTectron415v1_2
Load mod: Grimme_Rootster604
Load mod: Grimme_SE260
Load mod: GuelleMistMod
Load mod: Hawe_Wechselbruecke_CSW_V1
Warning: Missing l10n for button stuetzen in Hawe_Wechselbruecke_CSW_V1
Load mod: Hawe_Wechselbruecke_SLW
Load mod: Hawe_WPS_32T_rot
Load mod: Heckkran_v2
Load mod: HirableTools
Load mod: HiredHelperUnlimited
Load mod: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter
Load mod: Holzpalettengreifer
Load mod: Horsch_Pronto_9SW_Pack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Horsch_Pronto_9SW_Pack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Horsch_Pronto_9SW_Pack
Load mod: Horsch_Terrano_7FM
Load mod: Horsch_Terrano_7_5_FM
Load mod: Horsch_Tiger_10LT_Especial
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Horsch_Tiger_10LT_Especial/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Horsch_Tiger_10LT_Especial
Load mod: Hurlimann_H5116
Load mod: HW8011_Jamal
Load mod: HW80BR
Load mod: HW80Universal_entpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//HW80Universal_entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod HW80Universal_entpacken
Load mod: HW80Vieh
Load mod: HW80_Ballenwagen
Load mod: ifaw50
Load mod: IFAW50Vieh
Load mod: IFA_W50_Tiertransport
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//IFA_W50_Tiertransport/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod IFA_W50_Tiertransport
Load mod: implements1
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//implements1/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod implements1
Load mod: Inspector_V24
Load mod: JD6410_weights
Load mod: jenz1_2
Load mod: jenzHemBACKv2
Load mod: jenzHemBACKv3
Load mod: Jenzkran
Load mod: Jenz_Crusher_Titan_V1
Load mod: jenz_hackschnitzel_beladentisch
Load mod: JohnDeere6150M_PackV2
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//JohnDeere6150M_PackV2/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod JohnDeere6150M_PackV2
Load mod: JohnDeere8330DeluxeFH_V3
Load mod: JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'close_window' in mod 'JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'open_window' in mod 'JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt'
Warning: Missing l10n for button EinblendungZwei in JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Warning: Missing l10n for button EinblendungEins in JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Warning: Missing l10n for button SameHurliLambo_START in JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Warning: Missing l10n for button SameHurliLambo_STOP in JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Warning: Missing l10n for button ESLimiter_PLUS in JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Warning: Missing l10n for button ESLimiter_MINUS in JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Warning: Missing l10n for button ATTACHERTTV_UP in JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Warning: Missing l10n for button ATTACHERTTV_DOWN in JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt
Load mod: JohnDeere_L340_SquareBalerDieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 ()
Log Teil 3:
Spoiler anzeigen Load mod: JohnDeere_Pronto_AirSeeder12m
Load mod: John_Deere_6920senpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//John_Deere_6920senpacken/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod John_Deere_6920senpacken
Load mod: john_deere_864
Load mod: John_Deere_W540_UNPACK
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//John_Deere_W540_UNPACK/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod John_Deere_W540_UNPACK
Load mod: Joskin_Cargo_Anno_1800
Load mod: kacena
Load mod: KawecoRadium55_orange
Load mod: keuschlingen_v3_1
Load mod: kirovetsk700a_fs15
Load mod: Kirovets_K_701_PKU_1
Load mod: Kirovez_AgroPack_V2_1
Load mod: KoeckerlingVector570
Load mod: kotteGarantSlurryTankers
Load mod: Kotte_Garant_SlurryTanker
Load mod: Kotte_Universal
Load mod: Kotte_Universal_Pack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kotte_Universal_Pack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Kotte_Universal_Pack
Load mod: Kotte_Universal_Semi
Load mod: Kotte_Universal_Small
Load mod: Krampe_Bandit_800_V1
Load mod: krassortBaletrailer
Load mod: kroegerHKD302SetH
Load mod: kroneemsland_v1_1
Error: Invalid mod name 'Krone_Beastpack_&_MAN_Agrotruch_by_Bullgore_v12.00_06.04.2015'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: Krone_Emsland
Load mod: Krone_ZX_450GL_v2
Load mod: Kuhn
Load mod: KuhnGA8521s
Load mod: kuhnQuadFeederPack
Load mod: kuhnSPVConfort48
Load mod: kuhnSPW25
Load mod: Kuhn_Profile_Pack
Load mod: Kverneland_Miniair_Nova
Load mod: Kverneland_Miniair_Nova_2
Load mod: Lemken_Diamant_12
Load mod: Lemken_Juwel
Load mod: Lemken_Juwel_by_AgrarForst
Load mod: Lemken_Pack_ENTPACKEN
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Lemken_Pack_ENTPACKEN/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Lemken_Pack_ENTPACKEN
Load mod: lettuceGreenhouse_placeable
Load mod: lexion780
Warning: Missing l10n for button SEND_CHAT_MESSAGE in lexion780
Load mod: Lexion780wheelsUNPACK
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Lexion780wheelsUNPACK/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Lexion780wheelsUNPACK
Load mod: Lexion_780_wheels
Load mod: Liebherr_L538
Load mod: Liebherr_Schaufel
Load mod: Liebherr_TL436_7
Load mod: Light_Addon
Load mod: LiquorDistillery
Load mod: LS15Kugelkupplung
Load mod: LS15_CasePuma230cvx_FLPack_unzip
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//LS15_CasePuma230cvx_FLPack_unzip/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod LS15_CasePuma230cvx_FLPack_unzip
Load mod: LS15_CasePumacvx160_T131
Load mod: LS15_CasePumacvx230_T131
Load mod: LS15_CasePumacvx230_T131_14
Load mod: LS15_ClarkForklift
Load mod: LS15_Holz_Tandem_TTM
Load mod: LS15_Horsch_Joker_V1
Load mod: LS15_jenz
Load mod: LS15_kroneBigM500_V1
Load mod: LS15_Krone_ZX450
Load mod: ls15_man_holzzug_unzip
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ls15_man_holzzug_unzip/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod ls15_man_holzzug_unzip
Load mod: LS15_MBTrac1800Intercooler
Load mod: LS15_MB_1800
Load mod: LS15_MB_Trac1500_V09
Load mod: LS15_Poettinger_Jumbo6010_Combiline
Load mod: LS15_Puma160FL_Pack_unzip
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//LS15_Puma160FL_Pack_unzip/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod LS15_Puma160FL_Pack_unzip
Error: Invalid mod name 'LS15_Puma230_Pack_v2.4_unzip'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: LS15_StollFrontLoaderFZ_1_1
Load mod: LS15_StollToolLogFork_1_1
Load mod: LS15_Stoll_ProfiLine_FZ80_1
Load mod: Mammut_FrontLoader_Shovel_V1_2_0
Load mod: MANTGSMobilhackerv1
Load mod: MAN_Agrar_CV1
Load mod: MAN_Kurzholz_Zug_Bitte_Entpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//MAN_Kurzholz_Zug_Bitte_Entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod MAN_Kurzholz_Zug_Bitte_Entpacken
Load mod: MAN_TGS_18440_Pack
Load mod: MAN_TGS_18440_STipper
Load mod: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper
Load mod: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack
Load mod: MAN_TGS_HKL_V2
Error: Invalid mod name 'MAN_TGS_mit_Anh--nger_hohe_Mulde'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: MAN_TL_entpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//MAN_TL_entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod MAN_TL_entpacken
Load mod: MapAmpeln
Load mod: MapBuyableObject
Load mod: MapDoorTrigger
Warning: Missing l10n for button SWITCH_DOOR_STATE in MapDoorTrigger
Load mod: MapFruitTrigger
Load mod: Maschio_Lelio
Load mod: Mchale998
Load mod: MehrzweckaufliegerV1
Load mod: MengeleGarant5402
Load mod: MerloP417TurbofarmerV3
Load mod: modDesc_MapDoorTrigger
Warning: Only zip mods are supported in multiplayer. You need to zip the mod modDesc_MapDoorTrigger to use it in multiplayer.
Load mod: mods
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mods/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod mods
Load mod: mods_ZIL157_pack_for_Farming_Simulator_2015
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mods_ZIL157_pack_for_Farming_Simulator_2015/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod mods_ZIL157_pack_for_Farming_Simulator_2015
Load mod: mod_amazoneZGB8200
Load mod: MoneyModLS15
Error: Invalid mod name 'mtz80_3.2'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Error: Invalid mod name 'multiFruit LS15 V3_0 ENTPACKEN PLEASE UNPACK'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: Multitree
Load mod: newBeaconlightsForAllVehicles
Load mod: Nowy_folder_unpack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Nowy_folder_unpack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Nowy_folder_unpack
Load mod: No_Collision_Camera_FS_2015
Load mod: Npresasss
Warning: Only zip mods are supported in multiplayer. You need to zip the mod Npresasss to use it in multiplayer.
Load mod: Oliveline
Load mod: Pack_Bennes_Dezeure_FraBel_Ls_Modding_FS15
Load mod: pack_implements_agrovalle
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//pack_implements_agrovalle/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod pack_implements_agrovalle
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//PACK_JOHN_DEERE_UNZIP/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod PACK_JOHN_DEERE_UNZIP
Load mod: Pack_Robert_Bale_Fork_FraBel_Ls_Modding_FS15
Load mod: Pailleuse_Agram_Jet_de_paille_Luxfarm_LS_2013_V2
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod Pailleuse_Agram_Jet_de_paille_Luxfarm_LS_2013_V2
Load mod: Palettenanhaenger
Load mod: Pallet_Box
Load mod: Paraguas_olivas
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'Toggle_fork' in mod 'Paraguas_olivas'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'Toggle_Forks' in mod 'Paraguas_olivas'
Warning: Missing l10n for button Toggle_Forks in Paraguas_olivas
Load mod: PlaceableHeaps
Load mod: placeableNadstresek2015
Load mod: placeable_fertilizerTank_LS15Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 ()
Log Teil 4:
Spoiler anzeigen Load mod: placeable_gasTank_LS15
Load mod: Placeable_Milk_Truck_Trigger_v2
Load mod: placeable_seedPallets_LS15
Load mod: poettingerVitasem302Awide
Load mod: PonsseBear20158WNoRot
Load mod: PonsseScorpion6X6_Allterrain
Load mod: Ponsse_Scorpion
Load mod: productionofbread
Load mod: PV15_Boxtruck
Load mod: Reihenfinder_V1
Load mod: ROS_Krone_Emsland
Load mod: Saegewerk_placeable
Load mod: Schmitz_SKO_Cool_Edeka_H97
Load mod: Schneidwerkstuning
Load mod: Schreinerei
Load mod: ScriptHelper
Load mod: Setzlingsset
Load mod: shed1
Load mod: Silopack
Load mod: Sowing_Machines_Pack
Load mod: Sowing_Machines_Pack_2
Load mod: speedCamera
Load mod: StopMilkSale_1_2
Load mod: strautmannPS3401
Load mod: StrautmannTeraVitesse5201
Load mod: ST_HuerliamnnH488
Load mod: ST_Schlueter_Pack_1250TVL_Compact_UNZIP
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ST_Schlueter_Pack_1250TVL_Compact_UNZIP/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod ST_Schlueter_Pack_1250TVL_Compact_UNZIP
Load mod: ST_Schlueter_TVL1250_gruen
Load mod: ST_Schlueter_TVL1250_rot
Load mod: Suedhemmern
Load mod: sugarsalt
Load mod: T174_2B_V9_LS15
Load mod: TancoAutowrap1510EH
Load mod: TeleLoaderShovel
Load mod: Teleport_15
Load mod: Trailer_Conow_HW80V42_LS15
Load mod: Trailer_Kroeger_Brantneraufbau_E8041_V3_3achser_LS15
Load mod: Trailer_Kroeger_Brantneraufbau_E8041_V3_LS15
Load mod: Trailer_Kroeger_Brantneraufbau_E8041_V3_Tandem_LS15
Load mod: treeplantercon
Load mod: TSL_SHA_Tandem_LS15wsb
Load mod: TSL_UniMixertrailer_LS15clean
Load mod: Unia_Kombijosza
Load mod: Unimog_U400_WB
Load mod: Unpack_TSL_LKWViehtrailer_LS15_withoutWSB_PACK
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Unpack_TSL_LKWViehtrailer_LS15_withoutWSB_PACK/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Unpack_TSL_LKWViehtrailer_LS15_withoutWSB_PACK
Load mod: Unterstand
Load mod: UNZIPME_ChoppedStraw_15_0_03
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//UNZIPME_ChoppedStraw_15_0_03/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod UNZIPME_ChoppedStraw_15_0_03
Load mod: unzip_entpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//unzip_entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod unzip_entpacken
Error: Invalid mod name 'UN_ZIP!!!'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: UPK_ROS_Gemuese
Load mod: UPK_ROS_Lager1
Load mod: Ursus1634
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'Szyber' in mod 'Ursus1634'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'lewe' in mod 'Ursus1634'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'Prawe' in mod 'Ursus1634'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'Prawybok' in mod 'Ursus1634'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'Lewybok' in mod 'Ursus1634'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'tyl' in mod 'Ursus1634'
Load mod: Ursus_T127_Plus
Load mod: Ursus_Z586_Bale_Wrapper_Pack
Load mod: Vaderstad_Rapid_A600SF
Load mod: Vaderstad_Tempo_F8_Fertilizer
Load mod: vaederstadCarrier820fix
Load mod: vaederstadRapidA600S_All_Fruits
Load mod: vaederstadRapidA900S
Load mod: Vector410
Load mod: Vector410_Edit_Instruktor
Load mod: VeenhuisW400
Load mod: Vegetable_and_grocery_stores
Load mod: vehicleSort
Load mod: Vehicles_LKW_IFA_L60_ConowV42_LS15
Load mod: Vehicles_LKW_IFA_L60_ConowV42_v2_LS15
Load mod: Vehicles_LKW_IFA_L60_Getreide_LS15
Load mod: Vehicles_LKW_MAN_TGS_18440_Kipper_v5c_LS15
Load mod: Vila_Rulo_Compac_58_Clean
Load mod: vogelNootHeros1000Red
Load mod: Vogel_Noot_Terra_Disc_600
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Vogel_Noot_Terra_Disc_600/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Vogel_Noot_Terra_Disc_600
Load mod: Wald_Und_Forst
Load mod: WaterMilkZunhammer
Load mod: Wypakuj_do_Mods_
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Wypakuj_do_Mods_/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Wypakuj_do_Mods_
Load mod: YogurtFactory
Load mod: ZIL157KDE
Load mod: ZIL_Pak_fs2015_test_version
Load mod: ZT303Gruen15
Load mod: ZT_300E
Load mod: ZuchtAnlagen
Load mod: zzzAutoCombine
Load mod: zzz_allowDirectPlanting
Load mod: zzz_automaticUnloadForBaleWrappes
Load mod: ZZZ_baleExtension
Load mod: ZZZ_BeaconLights
Load mod: ZZZ_buyableForest
Warning: Missing l10n for button buyableForest_buy in ZZZ_buyableForest
Warning: Missing l10n for button buyableForest_mod in ZZZ_buyableForest
Load mod: ZZZ_ChoppedStraw
Load mod: ZZZ_CompassForSteerable
Load mod: ZZZ_complexBGA
Load mod: ZZZ_compostSoil
Load mod: ZZZ_Date_and_Time
Load mod: ZZZ_fastForward
Load mod: ZZZ_FeedBales
Load mod: ZZZ_fieldSell
Load mod: ZZZ_FuelAdjust
Load mod: ZZZ_GPS
Load mod: ZZZ_greenDirectCut
Load mod: ZZZ_greenFertilizer
Load mod: ZZZ_GuelleMistMod
Load mod: ZZZ_HiredWorkerConsumesFuelSeeds
Load mod: ZZZ_improvedSilageBunker
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruit
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Sudangras
Load mod: ZZZ_multiMowing
Load mod: ZZZ_multiSprayer
Load mod: ZZZ_nightGrowth
Load mod: ZZZ_Odometer
Load mod: ZZZ_randomEconomics
Load mod: ZZZ_RunTimeDistance
Load mod: zzz_seeds2fix
Load mod: ZZZ_trailersteeringMod
Warning: Missing l10n for button DISABLE_STEERING in ZZZ_trailersteeringMod
Register vehicle type: aaa_ROS_LKW.scaniaR730Topline
Register vehicle type: aaa_ROS_LKW.scaniatrailer
Register vehicle type: aaa_ROS_Palette_Box.ROSbox
### addFillTypes Script by Ifko[nator] in der Version 1.5 erfolgreich geladen!
Register vehicle type: AGO_Easymass_FS15.ZavorraEasyMass
Register vehicle type: AGO_Easymass_FS15.ZavorraEasyMass2
Register vehicle type: AGO_RANDAZZO_R270TP_V1_FS15.RANDAZZOR270
Register vehicle type: AGO_RANDAZZO_TRIDEM_DOMEX_TR7_BetaVersionFS15.TRIDEM
Register vehicle type: AGO_RANDAZZO_TRIDEM_DOMEX_TR7_BetaVersionFS15.TRIDEMFENDT
Register vehicle type: AGO_RANDAZZO_TRIDEM_DOMEX_TR7_BetaVersionFS15.TRIDEMJD
Register vehicle type: Agroliner_302_TKD.TKD-302
Register vehicle type: Agroliner_402_HKD.HKD-402
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Load Script: WaterBand = OK
Script WaterMod v3.2.4 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
Register vehicle type: AhwiFM700H.Woodgrinder
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.MTZ80Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 ()
Log Teil 5:
Spoiler anzeigen Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.MTZ82
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.MTZ82old
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.rabadupla
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.raba
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.eke
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.ifaw50
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.ifaw50_Green
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.ifaw50_Szurke
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Alali_Pack_v1_4/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.E514
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Alali_Pack_v1_4/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.E514_Zold
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Alali_Pack_v1_4/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.E512
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Alali_Pack_v1_4/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.
Register vehicle type: Alali_Pack_v1_4.FE302
Load Register fruit type: seeds2
Register vehicle type: AllRoundPack.MilkTrailer
Register vehicle type: AllRoundPack.FConveyor
Register vehicle type: AllRoundPack.TConveyor
Register vehicle type: AllRoundPack.Jenzkran
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Amazone_UX11200/script/beleuchtungV31.lua'.
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Amazone_UX11200/script/wheelParticle.lua'.
Error: Not all prerequisites of specialization sprayer are fulfilled
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Register vehicle type: Apfelmod.Krone_Emsland
Register vehicle type: Arcusin_ForStack_8_12_v1_5.Arcusin_ForStack
Register vehicle type: autovlek.Autovlek
Register vehicle type: a_02_GAZ_SAZ_35071.SAZ_335071
Register vehicle type: Baletransport_Dynamic.baletrailertandem
Register vehicle type: Baletransport_Dynamic.MANbaletransport
Register vehicle type: BednarProSeed2.BednarProSeed
Register vehicle type: Bennette_Agram_FraBel_Ls_Modding_FS15.Agram
Register vehicle type: BourgaultIAD_V1.BourgaultIAD600
Register vehicle type: BrantnerDPW18000.dpw18000
Register vehicle type: Brantner_Seeds_Trailer_ULW.seedsTrailer
Register vehicle type: Brantner_Z_1805_XXL.Brantnertrailer
Register vehicle type: bressel_lade_ballenzange_v1.StrawFork
Register vehicle type: Briri_Silotrans_38_HP.silotrans
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneBigX1100
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneEasyCollect1053
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneXDisc
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneEasyFlow
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneBigXCargo
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.dynamicMountAttacherTrailer
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Register vehicle type: CaseCVX175.CaseCVX175
Register vehicle type: CaseIHPuma200.Zoppo
Register vehicle type: CaseIHPuma225.Zoppo
Register vehicle type: CaseIHPuma230.Zoppo230
Register vehicle type: CASE_Trailer_AttacherV2.CASE_Trailer_Attacher
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Case_Weight/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.
Register vehicle type: Case_Weight.implement
Register vehicle type: ClaasDirectDisc520Trailer.dynamicMountAttacherTrailer
Register vehicle type: ClaasJaguar980.ClaasJaguar980
Register vehicle type: ClaasJaguar980.ClaasOrbis900
Register vehicle type: ClaasQuadrant1200.claas
Register vehicle type: Claas_Lexion_770_Pack.Lexion770
Register vehicle type: Claas_Lexion_770_Pack.Lexion770TT
Register vehicle type: Claas_Lexion_770_Pack.Vario1200
Register vehicle type: Claas_Lexion_770_Pack.Lexion770CornCutter8
Register vehicle type: Claas_Lexion_770_Pack.BISOtrailer
Script loaded: Compass.LUA (v2.0.6)
Register vehicle type: CompostMaster_Transportmulde.compostMaster
Register vehicle type: deutzAgroStar631and661V1_0.agro631
Register vehicle type: deutzAgrotron6190TTV_for_LS15_V2.TTV6190
Register vehicle type: deutzAgrotron6190TTV_for_LS15_V2.attachableFrontloader
Register vehicle type: DeutzFahr120MK3.deutz
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(1))
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(1))
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(2))
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(3))
Register vehicle type: Fendt824FavoritFullFS15.FendtFavorit824
Register vehicle type: FendtFarmer300LSA.FendtFarmer300LSA
Register vehicle type: FendtFarmer310LSA.FendtFarmer310LSA
Register vehicle type: Fendt_611LSA_turbomatik.fendt_611
Register vehicle type: FlieglDK18088.FlieglDK18088
Register vehicle type: FoerderBand.FoerderBand
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E516B_1_LS15_withoutWSB.E516B
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E516B_1_LS15_withoutWSB.BISO
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_blau.E524
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_blau.ClaasSpeed6
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_blau.geringhoff_harvest_star_HV660
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_blau.E524G_GSW
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_blau.E524G_MSW
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_blau.E524G_SWW
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_green.E524
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_green.ClaasSpeed6
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_green.geringhoff_harvest_star_HV660
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_green.E524G_GSW
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_green.E524G_MSW
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_E524_green.E524G_SWW
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_HW80_LS15.HW80
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_HW80_Universal.HW80trailer
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_HW80_Universal_clean.HW8Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 ()
Log Teil 6:
Spoiler anzeigen Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_T087_Ballonreifen_clean.Fortschritt_t087
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_T087_Ballonreifen_dirt.Fortschritt_t087
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_T087_clean.Fortschritt_t087
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_T087_dirt.Fortschritt_t087
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_T087_Normalreifen_clean.Fortschritt_t087
Register vehicle type: Fortschritt_T087_Normalreifen_dirt.Fortschritt_t087
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Script WaterMod v3.1.5 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
Script SchweineZucht v3.2.7 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Register vehicle type: FS15JohnDeere7810V3FullFH.JohnDeere
Register vehicle type: FS15World_MANTGSMobilhackerv1.MAN_Mobilhacker
Register vehicle type: FS15_CaseIHLB434R.CaseIHLB434R
Register vehicle type: FS15_CaseIHMagnum260.caseIH260
Register vehicle type: FS15_CaseIHMagnum260.BuyableTwinWheels
Register vehicle type: FS15_CaseIHPuma160_FL.caseIH160Fl
Register vehicle type: FS15_CaseIHRB455.caseIHRollBelt455
Register vehicle type: FS15_claasLexion550.ClaasLexion550
Register vehicle type: FS15_claasLexion550.ClaasLexion560TT
Register vehicle type: FS15_claasLexion550.ClaasSpeed6
Register vehicle type: FS15_claasLexion550.geringhoff_harvest_star_HV660
Register vehicle type: FS15_claasLexion550.Vario750
Register vehicle type: FS15_DDR_HW80SHA_Pack.HW80SHA
Register vehicle type: FS15_Fendt_Favorit512FL.fendt512
Register vehicle type: FS15_Fendt_Favorit_515.fendt515
Register vehicle type: FS15_Liebherr_900C.Liebherr_900C
Register vehicle type: FS15_marshallPack.rotorManureSpreader
Register vehicle type: FS15_marshallPack.manureSpreaderPlaneMover
Register vehicle type: FS15_newHollandCR_Pack.NHCR
Register vehicle type: FS15_newHollandCR_Pack.TAMTrailer
Register vehicle type: FS15_newHollandCR_Pack.TAMTrailerLEGUAN
Register vehicle type: FS15_Ursus1014.Ursus1014v2
Register vehicle type: FS15_Vector410_byMadDog.Vector410
Register vehicle type: FS15_Veenhuis_25000.VaiaMB160
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Register vehicle type: FS15_WeightWorklight_MW_mailman.weight_mailman
Register vehicle type: GKB_817.gkb817
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Register vehicle type: grimmeTectron415v1_2.grimmeMaxtron620
Register vehicle type: grimmeTectron415v1_2.grimmeTectron415
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Grimme_Rootster604/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.
Register vehicle type: Grimme_Rootster604.Rootster604
Register vehicle type: Grimme_SE260.SE260
Script Edit by sKyDaNcEr
Register vehicle type: Hawe_Wechselbruecke_CSW_V1.hawe_CSW
Script Edit by sKyDaNcEr
Register vehicle type: Hawe_Wechselbruecke_SLW.hawe_SLW
Register vehicle type: Hawe_WPS_32T_rot.Hawe_WPS_32T
Register vehicle type: Heckkran_v2.Heckkran
HirableTools by rafftnix loaded
---Script loaded: HiredHelperUnlimited by HappyLooser---
register joint type: HookJoint
Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.agrolinerITS26
Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKL_Container
Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKLH_Container
Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKLP_Container
Register vehicle type: Hurlimann_H5116.NewHolland8970
Register vehicle type: HW8011_Jamal.hw8011
Register vehicle type: HW8011_Jamal.hw8011_1
Register vehicle type: HW80BR.HW80BR
Register vehicle type: HW80Vieh.HW80Vieh
Register vehicle type: HW80_Ballenwagen.BaleTrailer
Register vehicle type: ifaw50.ifaw50
Register vehicle type: IFAW50Vieh.IFAW50
Register vehicle type: JD6410_weights.Scheibengewicht
Register vehicle type: JD6410_weights.Gewichtstraeger
Register vehicle type: Jenzkran.Jenzkran
Register vehicle type: Jenz_Crusher_Titan_V1.Jenz_Crusher
Register vehicle type: JohnDeere8330DeluxeFH_V3.JohnDeere8330
Register vehicle type: JohnDeere_6800_FL_Dirt.JohnDeere6800
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Register vehicle type: Joskin_Cargo_Anno_1800.manureBarrel2
Register vehicle type: kacena.kacena
Script WaterMod v3.2.4 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Script SchweineZucht v3.2.7 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
register fruit type: Klee_clover
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kirovets_K_701_PKU_1/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.
Register vehicle type: Kirovets_K_701_PKU_1.kirovec
Register vehicle type: Kirovez_AgroPack_V2_1.Kirovez
Register vehicle type: kotteGarantSlurryTankers.slurryTank
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Garant_SlurryTanker.garantSlurry
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal.kotteUniversal
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Semi.kotteUniversalSemi
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Small.kotteUniversalsmall
Register vehicle type: Krampe_Bandit_800_V1.Krampe_Bandit_800
Register vehicle type: krassortBaletrailer.krassortBaletrailer
Register vehicle type: kroneemsland_v1_1.kroneEmsland
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' insteDieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 ()
Log Teil 7:
Spoiler anzeigen Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(1)
Register vehicle type: KuhnGA8521s.windrower
Error: Not all prerequisites of specialization sowingMachine are fulfilled
Error: Not all prerequisites of specialization sowingMachine are fulfilled
Register fruit type: lettuce a part of lettuce Greenhouse placeable:
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil
Register vehicle type: lexion780.claasLexion780TT
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(1))
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(2))
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Register vehicle type: LS15_CasePumacvx160_T131.Case_Puma160
Register vehicle type: LS15_CasePumacvx230_T131.Case_Puma230
Register vehicle type: LS15_CasePumacvx230_T131_14.Case_Puma230
Register vehicle type: LS15_ClarkForklift.forklift
Register vehicle type: LS15_ClarkForklift.ClarkSchaufel
Register vehicle type: LS15_kroneBigM500_V1.kronebig500m
Register vehicle type: LS15_MBTrac1800Intercooler.mb1800fl
Register vehicle type: LS15_MBTrac1800Intercooler.mb1800
Register vehicle type: LS15_MBTrac1800Intercooler.mb1800hl
Register vehicle type: LS15_MB_1800.mb1800
Register vehicle type: LS15_MB_Trac1500_V09.mb1500
Register vehicle type: LS15_Poettinger_Jumbo6010_Combiline.Jumbo6010L
Register vehicle type: LS15_Stoll_ProfiLine_FZ80_1.attachableFrontloader
Register vehicle type: MANTGSMobilhackerv1.MAN_Mobilhacker
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_18440_STipper.MANTGSSTipper
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_18440_STipper.FlieglTMKSTipper
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper.UPKMANTGSTipper
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper.UPKFlieglTMKTipper
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.MANTGSForst
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTMKForst
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTRSForst
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTRSTForst
register joint type: HookJoint
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_HKL_V2.MAN
register joint type: HookJoint
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_HKL_V2.agrolinerITS26
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_HKL_V2.Fliegl_Container
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_HKL_V2.Kotte_Container
Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_HKL_V2.ContainerVFW25000
Map: Ampel Trigger v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
Map: TrafficLights 3er v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
Map: TrafficLights 4er v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
Map: Buyable Objects(Buyable) v3.1 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
Map: Buyable Objects(Icon) v3.1 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
Map: Buyable Objects(Master) v3.1 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
Map: MapFruitTrigger v1.1 loaded
Register Variable: BaseMission.modMapShovelTrigger
Register vehicle type: Mchale998.Mchale998
Register vehicle type: MehrzweckaufliegerV1.BaleSemi
Register vehicle type: MengeleGarant5402.MengeleGarant5402
Register vehicle type: MengeleGarant5402.SilageAdditivesTank
Register vehicle type: MengeleGarant5402.BuyableBlades
Register vehicle type: MerloP417TurbofarmerV3.MerloP417
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//modDesc_MapDoorTrigger/MapDoorTrigger.lua'.
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//modDesc_MapDoorTrigger/SetDoorStateEvent.lua'.
C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//MoneyModLS15/LS15Money.lua:49: attempt to index global 'LS15MoneyEvent' (a nil value)
Loaded: noCollisionCamera
Register vehicle type: Npresasss.JD
Register vehicle type: Npresasss.johnwiper
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Register vehicle type: Pack_Bennes_Dezeure_FraBel_Ls_Modding_FS15.Dezeure
Register vehicle type: Pack_Bennes_Dezeure_FraBel_Ls_Modding_FS15.Dezeure2
Register vehicle type: Pack_Bennes_Dezeure_FraBel_Ls_Modding_FS15.Dezeure3
Register vehicle type: Pack_Robert_Bale_Fork_FraBel_Ls_Modding_FS15.robert
Register vehicle type: Palettenanhaenger.Oldi
Register vehicle type: Pallet_Box.potBeetBox
Register vehicle type: Paraguas_olivas.paraguas
Register vehicle type: PonsseBear20158WNoRot.woodHarvesterZoli
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Register vehicle type: PV15_Boxtruck.scaniaR730Topline
Register vehicle type: PV15_Boxtruck.scaniatrailer
Register vehicle type: Reihenfinder_V1.RF
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Register vehicle type: Schmitz_SKO_Cool_Edeka_H97.Schmitz_SKO_Cool_Edeka_H97
Register vehicle type: Setzlingsset.Oldi
Register vehicle type: Silopack.gewicht1
Register vehicle type: Silopack.gewicht2
Register vehicle type: Silopack.schild1
Register vehicle type: Silopack.walzen
Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(1)
Register vehicle type: ST_HuerliamnnH488.HuerlimannH488
Register vehicle type: ST_Schlueter_TVL1250_gruen.Schlueter_TVL1250_Compact
Register vehicle type: ST_Schlueter_TVL1250_rot.Schlueter_TVL1250_Compact_r
Script SchweineZucht v3.2.7 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
doorTrigger loaded
Script WaterMod v3.1.5 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.netDieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 ()
Log Teil 8:
Spoiler anzeigen *** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Load Script: FruitSiloBand = OK
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Register vehicle type: T174_2B_V9_LS15.T174
Register vehicle type: T174_2B_V9_LS15.rack
Register vehicle type: T174_2B_V9_LS15.hook
Register vehicle type: T174_2B_V9_LS15.shovelGripper
Register vehicle type: T174_2B_V9_LS15.grabGripper
Register vehicle type: T174_2B_V9_LS15.woodGripper
Register vehicle type: T174_2B_V9_LS15.baleClaw
Register vehicle type: TancoAutowrap1510EH.Wrapper
Register vehicle type: Trailer_Conow_HW80V42_LS15.Conow
Register vehicle type: Trailer_Kroeger_Brantneraufbau_E8041_V3_3achser_LS15.Brantnertrailer
Register vehicle type: Trailer_Kroeger_Brantneraufbau_E8041_V3_LS15.Brantnertrailer
Register vehicle type: Trailer_Kroeger_Brantneraufbau_E8041_V3_Tandem_LS15.Brantnertrailer
Register vehicle type: treeplantercon.treeplanter
Register vehicle type: TSL_SHA_Tandem_LS15wsb.TSL_SHA_Tandem
Register vehicle type: TSL_UniMixertrailer_LS15clean.flat
Error: Not all prerequisites of specialization cultivator are fulfilled
Register vehicle type: Ursus1634.Ursus1634
Register vehicle type: Vaderstad_Rapid_A600SF.RapidA600SF
Register vehicle type: Vaderstad_Tempo_F8_Fertilizer.TempoF8_Fertilizer
VehicleSort loaded
Register vehicle type: Vehicles_LKW_IFA_L60_ConowV42_LS15.IFA L60 ConowV42
Register vehicle type: Vehicles_LKW_IFA_L60_ConowV42_v2_LS15.IFA L60 ConowV42
Register vehicle type: Vehicles_LKW_IFA_L60_Getreide_LS15.IFA L60 Getreideaufbau
Register vehicle type: Vehicles_LKW_MAN_TGS_18440_Kipper_v5c_LS15.MAN_Kipper V5
Register vehicle type: WaterMilkZunhammer.MilkTrailer
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Register vehicle type: ZIL157KDE.zil157K
Error: Not all prerequisites of specialization aiTractor are fulfilled
Register vehicle type: ZIL_Pak_fs2015_test_version.MilkTrailer
Register vehicle type: ZIL_Pak_fs2015_test_version.Ftrailer
Register vehicle type: ZIL_Pak_fs2015_test_version.kuzov
Register vehicle type: ZIL_Pak_fs2015_test_version.kuzov1
Register vehicle type: ZIL_Pak_fs2015_test_version.hleb
Error: Not all prerequisites of specialization sprayer are fulfilled
Register vehicle type: ZIL_Pak_fs2015_test_version.fishTank
Register vehicle type: ZIL_Pak_fs2015_test_version.Pricep
Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(1)
Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(2)
BaleExtension V2.2 (by upsidedown) registering C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_baleExtension/bales/roundbaleGrass_w112_d130.i3d
Script loaded: Compass.LUA (v1.4)
FruitType registered: compost_soil
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil
loading Date/Time Mod by adcrafter27
--- loading BaleFeed-Mod V2.0 (by upsidedown) ---
C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_FuelAdjust/fuelAdjust.lua:7: unexpected symbol near '-'
--- loading greenDirectCut mod V2.0 --- (by upsidedown)
Script loaded: HiredConsumesResources.lua
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil
Register fruit type: seeds2 on:
loading AdditionalFruitTypes
AdditionalFruitTypes v0.5 by Jakob Tischler+upsidedown loaded
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Running LUA method 'mouseEvent'.
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil
Application exit request forced.
Application exit request forced.Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joni 1510 ()
Ach .. und das nennst du "Log ist sauber" ?? die steckt ja voller Fehler.
Kann dir aber schon das meiste verraten, ohne dass ich LS15 habe,
Error: Invalid mod name 'Agroliner_302_TKD (2)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Hier hast du "Agroliner_302_TKD" nochmals hineinkopiert: Löschen
Error: Invalid mod name 'Bauer_Pack_V1.1_Entpacken'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Was meinst du wohl, warum im Modname selbst "Entpacken" steht? Also mach das vorher, bevor du in den Mod-Ordner kopierst.
Die folgenden Error sind auch Resultat davon.
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//CaseIH_QuadTrac_Pack/modDesc.xml'.
Vermutlich das gleiche: erst entpacken, dann einzeln kopieren.
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ClaasJaguarPackLS2015byAgrotron165_entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
Und nochmal das gleiche.
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Claas_Gewichte_Pack_ENTPACKEN/modDesc.xml'.
Muss ich nochwas dazu schreiben?
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//cultivator_pack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Invalid mod name 'ENTPACKEN-GregoireBessonxxl_TSL_LS15_withoutWSB_Rot-PACK'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ENTPACKEN_TSL_LowLoader_Trailer_PACK/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ENTPACKEN_____JOHN_DEERE_9630T_LS15_TSL_withoutWSB_PACK/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//fendt_515c___515cfrontloader_unpack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Invalid mod name 'FlieglTMK266BullLandwirts-Sohn'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Da guckmal nach, ob das nicht auch entpackt werden muss
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_deutzTTV5Series/modDesc.xml'.
Auch kontrollieren, Mod-Beschreibung lesen!!!!
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//grimme3pack/modDesc.xml'.
Auch wieder ein Modpack zum Entpacken
Noch nicht alles, aber soweit erstmal. Diese Fehler tauchen auch danach immer wieder auf.
Also räum erstmal auf: alles wo irgendwie noch der Hinweis auf Modpack zum Entpacken kommt, schmeisst du erstmal raus.
Diese Modpacks entpackst du dann und kopierst jew. nur einzelne Mods (die du eben willst/brauchst)
Falls es dann noch Probs gibt, nochmal die Log - aber diesmal besser als Post-Anhang. -
Und?? wo bleibt die Log, nachdem du aufgeräumt hast?
Glaubst du, jemand hat Lust, sich durch eine Unzahl von Error zu wühlen, die du selbst verursacht hast? Und die du leicht hättest vermeiden können, indem du zB mal die Beschreibung/Hinweise zum Mod gelesen hättest.
Ich bin jedenfalls raus hier. Wer Hilfe möchte, muss auch bisschen mitarbeiten und mitdenken. -
ich habe mal deine Log in Spoiler gepackt, damit man eine bessere Übersicht hat und nicht so viel scrollen muss
Ich rate dir mal deinen Modsordner aufzuräumen nach den oben genannten Kriterien und schau auch, welchen mod du wirklich noch benötigst.
Sende dann erneut deine Log, denn so ist es für alle beteiligten eine Qual dort durchzublicken.
Falls die Log immer noch so groß ist, hänge sie besser an.Rowing - nothing else!
Zu meinem Profil um mir eine pm zu schreiben:
MfG Joni 1510 -
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